Monday, September 29, 2008

Comments on the debate

It's old, I know, but during the bailout I really had nothing to say (... I was just pretty darn perplexed). Then after the bailout I tried writing about politics and explaining my ideas, but I just hated it, so here's the only thing I liked about that post--commentary on the VP debate:

I'm watching the VP debate right now, and I've got to say that it's pretty darn funny. It's pretty clear that Palin hates Biden's living guts, and that Biden respects Palin about as far as he can throw her (probably less--she's pretty small). It also seems like he really believes that everything he says is convincing.

(it's in quotes, but there's no way it's right-->) "McCain says that Obama voted against funding for the troops, but McCain also voted against funding for the troops!!" huh? ... really? "He voted against funding for the troops because there was a 'timeline'!!" Ooooooh right. yeah, I remember that. So? there was a freakin' timeline on the bill!!

Tell me who that statement was meant to sway? The Obama-voters already agree with Biden, the McCain voters think that makes Biden sound like an idiot, and the undecideds already know that McCain would never support a timeline and that Obama does. wow.

And I just have to mention what a friggin airhead Palin looks like up there. Dodging questions and using her *nudge nudge wink wink* personality to make jokes and almost disrepecting the debate altogether ("You want to listen to me, or do you want to tell your little jokes?" "I can do both" -SN). Obviously she is not used to debating these 'Washington types'. That last bit was in a South Texas accent ;-). I say obviously, because as my friend mike points out, Biden got Palin to say she supports completely equal rights for gays and lesbians. I disagree a bit, I think it was more Gwen Ifill and less Biden (and that it was a bit unprofessional of Gwen Ifill to pull this, but she was a jerk to Biden at one point as well, so it's cool), and I also think that Palin thought she was being clever, but everyone was involved ... Anyway, no matter how the pretty pundits spin it, I think it was a pretty terrible and useless debate.



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