The olympics are over now, and I can get back to normal life, although I've got to be honest with you, I was a little busy working 2 jobs all week last week in order to make up for my being on vacation in Boston over my 'extended' weekend (extended is in quotes, b/c
I extended it ...), and I didn't really watch it at all. How sad. I kinda miss it now that it's gone. Perhaps China will, too.
Anyway, since I've been obsessing with the olympics and on vacation, I have missed a few updates that you might want to know about.
One is that the FDA recently declared BPA safe. This
article was from just before everyone started freaking out about BPA.
This is an ob

viously dissatisfied washinton post follow-up article (but of course they're dissatisfied--they didn't get their way!). And
this is an article I like because, it's not so much a level headed evaluation as it is a direct oposition to the washington post articles in tone as well as spin. Turns out straight forwardness doesn't always get you what you want. If you want a more level-headed approach, you should go for the
Web MD article. Now that's some good journalism. They displayed and defended all 3 viewpoints in this matter. The FDA seems to be continually monitoring new research about BPA just in case. They sound like they're doing a pretty good job to me, so feel free to drink your nalgenes!!! all day long!! Alright, don't drink the nalgenes. Just what's inside of them. Unless it's been in there since you were first worried about BPA. Then I might wash it out first ... I don't think BPA kill bacteria
The next part I was going to let you know about has to do with Pandora, but I don't know how long that's going to be, s

o I'll just wait until next post. I can, however, show you how the consumerist called Sam's club on being deceitful when it comes to polystyrene cups. Just check the picture out. It's from
this post. Oh boy. You are so very not environmentally concious. Though, it doesn't actually claim that it is better for the environment. But if that's not what they are wink-nudging at, I don't know what it is. Sam's club (aka Walmart), you suck, and I am not amused!
More on my summer vacations and Pandora later!
Labels: BPA, FDA, Olympics, polystyrene
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