My last post was going to be about my vacation in Colorado and also about Murphey's law since I came down with a cold about 3 days into the trip. But I actually just bought a used car last night (sweet!), and I figured I wouldn't jinx it by writing about Murphey's law. And since this is right after my post about my old white van breaking down and recycling Starbucks cups to help with my 'carbon debt' (yay for buzzwords. Now if we just start calling it a nano-carbon debt, we'll confuse the hell out of the news-media) I figured it was well placed.
That's my new car!! It's a 2005 Hyundai Elantra, and not to be a Hyundai salesman or anything, but Hyundais are pretty good cars that you can usually get pretty cheap. It gets twice the gas

We went to a few places on Wednesday and drove some cars around but didn't really like them terribly. I'm also difficult to please b/c I'm cheap! I wanted a car under 9,000 and half the dealers just didn't have anything in that category. I had decided on 9,000$ because we thought we could trade the hippie van in for around 2,000, and I figured I could pay 7000 off in 3 years just fine. I also figured that any car in my price range would be so old that I wouldn't want to be paying it off for more than 3 years anyway. So we walk up to this Hyundai dealership and tell the lead salesperson that we are looking for a fuel-efficient car under 9,000. She brings us a salesman and he shows us a car that I test drive. It's the Elantra above. It's an 05 and it's still under warranty, so obviously we are interested. We ask for the price. Here's where it gets sticky.
First they just give us 2 numbers. 1500 down and 250/month. I was amazed that they didn't even give us a term. I had no idea at that point how much the car actually cost--apparently some people take the offer just like that. crazy people. So we let them know that I had my own financing (we use USAA who generally gives a fairly good rate), and that we really just want to know HOW MUCH the car was. oh. they got it. They then offered us 500$ for my van (what??) and priced the Elantra at 11,000. Not even close to our 9000$. We were a bit annoyed, because we'd just wasted time on a car that was 3,500$ out of my price range. Oi! We tried to tell them it was too much and get out of there, but of course they will not allow that, so they brought out the viper . . .
The dealership is more concerned with how much you can afford per month than how much you want the car to cost. If they can get most any price within your monthly payment range by stretching

The next morning I got a call from the salesman who we had test driven with (good thing, too, because the head of sales was the scariest lady I had ever seen, and I was not inclined to do business with her ever.) to inform me that they could definitely get me 1000$ on the van. I called him back later that afternoon to let him know that if we couldn't get 1500$ for the van, we weren't even going to bother trading it in and that I was going to shop around a bit first. He said it was plausible to get 1500 for the van, but that I would need to bring the van in so their people could check it out. They always want to bring you in. I suppose it's home field advantage. My dad let me know that it's always easier to negotiate on the phone. On the phone, you're on equal footing. You can cut him off or even hang up on him if need be ;-). So I discussed it with my dad, and we both agreed that paying off an 05 for 4 years is acceptable, but that it was still too expensive. I figured I could do 10,000-1500$ = $8500 over 4 years, so this is what I did (at my dad's wonderful suggestion): I called the dealership and told them that I was busy (which I am) and that if they couldn't get it down to 10,000$ with a 1500$ trade in on the van, I just simply did not have time to come in and talk to them (which I did not). So the guy told me he would talk it over with his boss and call me back.
He called me back in about 5 minutes (it was raining, and nobody seems to go anywhere when it's raining--especially to dealerships) and said it was a deal, so I went over and bought the car. whew.
Hah. And after I filled out the paper work and did the loan stuff and got my keys and everything was settled, I pulled my new car around to empty my stuff out of the van. I unlocked the car and one of the sliding doors wouldn't open . . . sometimes that lock sticks, but it hasn't done it in ages. I thought it was pretty hilarious that it did it right after I traded it in and right in front of the salesman. oh well, it's yours now! Maybe they know how to fix that. Lord know we had no idea . . .
Anyway I hope it was a good story. I've already had a dream that someone stole my car, so you know that I like it! Have a happy olympic starting day! I really love the 08.08.08. Why in the world is that so cool? It's just another day, and yet . . . it's epic.
PS. I just google image searched 'carbon debt' and the second page is my starbucks cup from the last blog post. wow! I had no idea there were so little pictures related to carbon debt. Cool!
Labels: Cars, hippie van, hyundai elantra, Olympics, vipers
Hey Kendall,
Congrats on your new car! I'm actually thinking about buying a car really soon (so I can stop borrowing Aaron's car) so I might be blogging about that soon. And that also means I'm really glad you posted about it, since I feel so lost and confused about what car to buy (make, model, new vs. used, etc. etc.)
Cool, loving your posts :)
Kendall, you are still a badass. Can you make all my major purchases for me?
Hey Kendall...I experienced the pain of them tricking me with monthly payments vs. actual costs today...didn't buy yet, because I really need to get financing figured out. But I test drove a Honda Civic. and it's pretty good. Grr, I experienced the similar "snake-like" action of bringing out the big guns to get me to agree to things.
I'll keep you updated.
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