Hey, I got a marriage proposal!
About 2 months ago. And I am just realizing now. Damn. You think he still wants to marry me?
Well, I got this email today informing me that I am being charged 40$ for going over my disk space allocation on godaddy.com. Now it didn't really say that. It said 'renewal charge' so obviously I called and yelled at some poor indian dude for a little while, until I realized what it was really for. I then proceeded to call a bunch of different companies to get quotes on hosting (I found out I would get refunded from godaddy if I canceled!), but they were all closed. So I went over to go daddy to check out exactly how far over my usage I had gone, and while I was there, I stumbled upon my statistics page. Those are always interesting if not depressing, so I decided to check it out. I discovered that people can google some interesting things and hit my site. I also discovered that the site that refers me the fifth most is fillbest.com which is a prescription drug site . . . yeah, I dunno--that's higher than facebook and all my friend's blogs! I tried searching for the link, but to no avail. Anyway, the most exciting referal was from a blog I frequent www.depletedcranium.com. It was about 10th on the list, and I was curious as to why, as I didn't remember ever posting there. So I investigated . . . or I googled 'depleted cranium kendall' . . .
The truth is . . . I'm a hit-and-run commenter! I know, I know! I'm sorry. It's a problem. You'd think I would follow up on comments I make on other blogs, but sometimes I just forget. and other times, well, I comment so small that I don't think it will spur anything exciting--much less a bunch of referrals to my website.
Here's what happened: One day I read a post on depleted cranium about how greenpeace seems to just make stuff up when they can't think of anything good to complain about, and since they really piss me off sometimes, I decided to comment about gamers spontaneously combusting. As you can see from that link, our friend 'chem geek gregor' elaborated for me, and then . . . well, he asked if I wanted to get married. (oh, and keep reading--the best part is a few posts down where he tries to sell it!)
So I really wasn't expecting anything from my 3-liner. Especially a proposal . . . but since it's already out there . . . You're right, Gregor does sound more badass, but it might give me the impression that you do a lot of grunting--that or genetics . . . Sorry about the late reply, Gregor. I usually shoot guys down way before they decide to propose. Maybe we should get drinks first? We could do it in . . . Chicago?
Anyway, after I went through all that to accidentally happen upon a 2 month old marriage proposal, I pretty much laughed for half an hour. What are the odds? ;-)
Labels: Chicago, depleted cranium, Marriage proposal
haha fabulous!
I say go for it...
oh, and really have no idea why I'm up at 2 in the morning...
Now that's hilarious.
oh, and you've been tagged...read my most recent post to find out more...
See now, if you sign this thing 'Mike' you've go to at least give me the first letter of your last name. Do you know how many Mikes I know??
I would have rebuked him with, "Well, you're nothing but common, stable and normally harmless plastic to me."
Hell, that sounds like a pretty good insult to me.
Sorry, Kendall. It's me, Mike D. I forgot to sign in last time...
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