Monday, April 28, 2008

Boston, MIT loves you; why don't you love MIT?

(Click the title!)

Opinion pages are for opinions, but if the facts the opinions are based on are incorrect, what is the point of the opinion? I don't ask that the opinions not be printed. They are interesting and obviously controversial enough to be read. I only ask that the editor print some sort of correction to their comments! I certainly hope a current student writes his or her own opinion on the matter to straighten out Mr. Nowlan and Mr. Marshall.

The baby grand that is thrown off the Baker roof is not depriving any sad tuneless children of music. Is it a junk piano. It doesn't work anymore. It is so old and so out of tune, that no one wants it and, therefore, the dorm can find it cheap. It is not logical to me that an undergraduate dormitory would be able to afford the purchase of a nice, working piano for to chuck off the roof. I would hope Bostonians do not think that MIT wastes so much money that it can be used in such a way.

What's more, every time I get an article about MIT undergraduates from, I hold my breath, because it is nearly always negative. What's with all the negativity, Boston Globe? Sure, sometimes they mess up, but they're undergraduates. Most under 22 and some as young as 16. They shouldn't be responsible for their own PR as MIT faculty and staff naturally are. If Susan Hockfield decided she wanted to throw an old xylophone off the roof of one of the MacLaurin buildings, I'm sure someone would forsee this situation and naturally, they were also purchase a couple of xylophones for nearby schools.

My point is, they're undergraduates, and not only that but they also tend to become quite valuable members of society. How likely are they to stay in the area if they start to think that Boston despises them?

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At April 28, 2008 at 5:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, I wish you could leave comments on that page...
I remember at first I thought it was wasteful, but when you learn that the pianos are already beyond repair, it doesn't seem as bad. Do they donate music stuff every time? they should, that would be cool.
Seriously, though. I hate this hate!


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