OK, now. I was tagged, but I want to preface this by saying that I like
Stephanie, so I'll do this one, but never again. probably.
What were you doing 10 years ago?Today, 10 years ago I was riding my bike down a old country rode, when I met a
gopher whose name was Max. Alright, that didn't happen. 10 years ago I had just graduated from 7th grade and was looking forward to 8th--probably because we had the science teacher most of the day in 8th grade (that
school was complicatedly small--there weren't enough teachers to actually go to a different one for each subject, so we faked it). She didn't teach science all day, but she was still pretty entertaining. Now for the life of me, I can't remember what I did in the summers in middle school. I remember working in High School, and obviously I remember college summers...but I really can't put my finger on what I would have done during the summer before I had a car. I guess I was playing with the neighborhood girls, but they were kind of bitchy, so... wow, I really don't know.
List five items on today’s “to do” list.Gosh are you all so organized that you actually have a to do list? I so don't work like that. So I'll make one right now!
1. I need to run my adsorbtion experiments through the HPLC. Now that I got all the air out of the line, I think I'm good to go ;-)
2. Then I need to work on a mini budget for my professor just so we can see how far we can take this experiment before running out of money.
3. I need to call my mother at some point today, because it's her Birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom!
4. I need to finish watching Destiny of the Daleks, because I'm trying to get all the Davros Episodes in before the finale on Saturday (at which point I'll be in San Diego and not able to watch it until Tuesday, drat!!). If you understand that, you're a very special person indeed ;-)
5. I have to go to work! (the restaurant) Waitressing is fun, but not on Tuesday nights. Thank God it's Wednesday. Last night was simply awful . . .
What snacks do you enjoy?Does anyone else think this chain post thingy sort of jumps around a lot? Um . . . I like sugar snap peas. And I buy an apple fritter from the coffee shop in my building about once a week or so (they are massive! so they last awhile). I also really love the fried cheese at my restaurant, but man is that bad for you! So I don't eat those very often (read, just smell them and watch the customers eat them :-( ). And jelly beans.
What would you do if you were a billionaire?That's a good question. It's what I'm trying to figure out right now . . . At least the whole 'if money wasn't an factor, what would you want to do?' I don't really know yet. I bet I would just hop around and work all over the place. I kind of want to see what it would be like to be a cop, or a park ranger, or an actress, or own a restaurant. I'd really like to be able to fix a car, too...I just don't have time to do stuff like that. plus it's messy. I'd have to use my billion dollars to buy me some coveralls . . . Oh, and I would travel. A lot. all over the place. put that money to good use in more of an Andrew Carnegie sort of money?-my-kids-don't-need-my-money! fashion. My children will hate me. Especially since I didn't earn this sudden wealth
Where would you live?Hmmmm . . . I'd have a house in
San Diego for the winter, a house in
Oklahoma for the spring, an apartment on Marlborough in
Boston for the summer/October, and a vacation place in
Germany!! Oh boy. That sounds like fun. Where can I sign up?
Um, so apparently I'm supposed to tag people. Uh, well most of the people I know with active blogs have already been tagged (yeah, I don't know that many bloggers), so I'll tag
Nicola (who will probably do it), and
Alisha (who probably doesn't have time). I'd tag Patrick, but I don't think he will do it. Ah, what the hell, you're it,
Patrick. Whew. I'm done.
Labels: billionaires, memes