The Impending Polymer Post
In an earlier post, I started going off on a tangent and talking about my hobby of trying to determine which polymer something is made of. I deleted it from that post, because my goal in this blog is to be slightly entertaining and also to improve my writing skills . . . you can attest to how that goes. Anyway, here is that tangent:
It's actually not that hard to figure out which polymer you've got, and it's super easy on the 'recyclable' types, because you can check if you're right! There's a little recycle symbol on the bottom, and it'll have a number in the middle that will tell you exactly what you're working with. Sometimes it even has an abbreviation of the polymer name. After guessing a few times on those, you can get pretty good at it. As for the non-recyclable types, I pretty much just guess.
It also helps to know what a few polymers tend to look and feel like and what a few companies tend to use. For instance, Rubbermaid uses polyurethane and polyethylene. Plus you could probably make a good guess from this list of fairly common polymers that you've probably seen at some point: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), ABS, Lexan polycarbonate resin (the nalgene polymer--the bottle part, not the strap), acrylic, epoxy, polyester, nylon, as well as all the 'recyclable' polymers on the list--polypropylene, high density, low density, and regular polyethylene, polystyrene, and polyethylene terephthalate--check that one out. It's a weird name, but I bet you've used that today. Boy oh boy, that was fun, but I'll tell you the story of why it's the environmentalists' faults that we can't recycle Styrofoam in this country later--also probably why I use quotes when I say 'recyclable.'
Anyway, the reason I decided to write the polymer post is that I continued trying to fix my nalgene today. I had already cut the broken part off, and recut the strap further down to fit it on the notch. It was a pretty soft material, so this was not hard.

That's my polymer post! Hope you enjoyed it!
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